Do you know what a cryptogram is? It´s like a secrete message, written with pictures or symbols. Click on the image below to find out what the Christmas secret words are. Good luck!
And how much do you know about Santa? Here you are a quiz to test yourselves. Enjoy!
Hello kids! How was your Christmas Day? I hope it was amazing! Did you place crackers on your Christmas lunch table? Here you are a video with the ones you made at school. Keep enjoying your holidays!
Hi kids! Christmas Eve is here, aren´t you excited? I don´t know if you have everything ready for Father Christmas yet, but I´ve heard he LOVES mince pies (do you remember what they are?). Here you are a video on how to make them. It´s a pretty easy recipe, I hope you can try it and prepare some to leave Father Christmas tonight. Good luck, and let me know if you make them, please. I´m going to prepare mine right now, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
¡Hoola! Nochebuena ya esta aquí, ¿no estáis contentos? No sé si ya tendréis todo preparado para Papá Noel, pero me he enterado de que le encantan los "Mince Pies" (¿os acordáis de qué eran?). Aquí tenéis un vídeo que explica cómo hacerlos. Es una receta bastante sencilla, espero que podáis probar a hacerla (con ayuda, claro) y dejarle alguno a Papá Noel esta noche. Buena suerte y avisadme si los hacéis, por favor. Yo me voy a preparar los míos ahora mismo, ¡¡¡FELIZ NAVIDAD!!! Ah, os traduzco los ingredientes porque en el vídeo utilizan las medidas americanas en vez de gramos.
95 g de pasas amarillas
95 g de pasas negras
50 g de almendras laminadas
50 g de uvas pasas
6 cucharadas de azúcar moreno
2 cucharadas de una mezcla de canela, clavo y nuez moscada.
Hello! Here you are the link tom play the awesome interactive game we have been playing at school. As always, click on the picture and enjoy! Don´t forget to review the RULES first!
Hi kids! Here you are a new way to wish your friends and fammily happy Christmas. You can make a video like mine, look! Click on the photo to watch it. Isn´t it fun?
If you want to create your own, just click on this link:
Hi kids! These days we are working on Christmas. Singing Christmas carol is one of the traditions of this time of the year, so I want to share some of these carols or Christmas songs with you. We have 10 days til Christmas, and each day we´ll have a new Christmas song on the sidebar of our blog for you to sing at home.
Today I´m posting a song that is not traditionally a Christmas song, but sounds perfect for this time of the year. From me to you :)
Hi kids! Here you are a great selectgion of Christmas related games. There are lots of different activities for you to have tons of fun and practise our English words. As always, just click on the picture! Ah, and thanks to CEIP Clara Campoamor, in Madrid, for sharing :)// ¡Hola! Aquí os dejo una selección de juegos navideños. Hay muchas actividades diferentes con las que os lo pasaréis muy bien y practicaréis el inglés. Como siempre, sólo tenéis que pinchar en la imagen. Ah! Y muchas gracias al CEIP Clara Campoamor de Madrid por compartirlas :)
And here you are some other Christmas Activities you can find in our blog, just click on the picture below.// Y aquí tenéis más actividades navideñas que podéis encontrar en nuestro blog, sólo pinchad en la imagen de abajo.
December is here, which means... Christmas is around the corner! Here you are an advent calendar in which you´ll find a great surprise each day, not a chocolate one of course! Thanks to Belén Junquera for sharing! Enjoy it!